sobota, 10. november 2012

LIFFe: Få meg på, for faen

Empty road.
More empty road.
Empty road with tractor.
House with satellite dish.
Youth centre backyard.
Stupid sheep.
Stupid hay bales.
Stupid trampoline girls.
Welcome to Skoddeheimen.

Behave at the party. Don't drink until you puke or get pregnant. Okay?

Hi, this is Dick-Alma's sex hotline. Leave a message or fuck off.

-I'm so done with it. I'm leaving.
-So where are you gonna go?
-To Texas, to work to abolish capital punishment. You wanna spend your life here? Be a shop clerk,party on until you turn gray?
-I'll get an education later.
-In what? Master of stacking and bachelor of price tagging?

-Alma, you're much too young to drink beer.
-I'm almost 16.
-Alma, please...
-Please what? Please turn 16, or please don't?

If you ask me, this Artur guy has the hots for you. I mean, you don't just poke your dick at anyone.

-Sorry to disturb you. Alma didn't come home last night.
-Is that so?
-You haven't seen her?
-Sorry about the curtain.
-It was mean.
-It was stupid. Unnecessary.
-Imagine, insinuating that I spy on people.
-Of course you don't.
-No, of course not.
-So you haven't seen Alma?
-Let's see... At around eight yesterday evening, Alma came out the door. Evidently upset. Gave me the finger. She walked down the road. Turned left, probably to see Artur. Two hours later, at half past ten, I saw her in the passenger seat - of a pale blue Volvo. I assume they drove to town. She probably hitchhiked to Oslo.
-Jesus! Oslo?
-You know, her great idol lives there, Maria. Sebjørn's eldest daughter.

-What's it like?
-I wanna do like this and scream.
-Then do it.
-Just did. Felt like a fool.

Welcome to Skoddeheimen.

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